A Christian Worldview Analysis

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Numerous great thinkers, from Sigmund Freud to Albert Bandura, have endeavored to comprehend human personality. Understanding ourselves seems a critical first step to living healthier, happier lives. All of these theorists, however, have attempted to study human personality through scientific inquiry and through human ideas and philosophies while rejecting a Christian worldview. As a Christian, I believe the bible has much to offer regarding understanding human nature. As another great thinker, Galileo Galilei, once said, “The bible tells us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go” (as cited in Hummel, 1986, p. 9). The contribution of science is invaluable as the bible does not explain, “how the heavens go.” The bible does explain “how …show more content…

Further, Christianity believes that the work of Christ, through the cross, the resurrection, and ascension, restores that life and though not wholly realized yet, will one day be fully restored. The bible recognizes that the spirit of man is that which “gives life to the body” (Elwell, 1984, p. 1041). It “lies in one’s inmost being,” having been made by God so that people may have “fellowship with him” (Elwell, 1984). Through the prophet Jerimiah, God describes the people’s behavior and motivations by saying that they are thirsty because they have left Him (which is sin), the source of life, and seek life elsewhere (Jer. 2:13). Blaise Pascal (2,000) offers …show more content…

This is without exception. Whatever different means they employ, they all tend to this end. The cause of some going to war, and of others avoiding it, is the same desire in both, attended with different views. The will never takes the least step but to this object. This is the motive of every action of every man, even of those who hang themselves. (p. 76)
This offers a broad foundation for understanding human motivation and behavior. The quest for happiness strongly influences how individuals think, feel, and act. The human spirit, having lost life through sin, desperately seeks for new life. If people feel they have happiness, they will behave one way; if they feel they are not happy, they will act another. Pascal (2,000) goes on to say that people will not find true happiness until they find their life in Him (p. 77).
Integrating psychology and Christian theology may reveal greater insight into human nature and personality than either discipline alone. While the bible does not provide scientific knowledge, it does provide a valuable alternate perspective. Science attempts to understand human personality, but limits itself to the material world. Christianity acknowledges a spiritual reality and not only offers insight into human nature but also a model with which to interpret the data gathered by science. When understanding human personality, scientific inquiry offers considerable insight. Consulting the One who created human beings, however, will also