A Comparison Of Enemy At The Gates And All Quiet On The Western Front

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The accelerated maturity of the soldiers ruining their youth lives, was represented in both All Quiet on the Western Front, and Enemy at The Gates. Paul in All Quiet on the Western Front, went to war very early, and felt insecure when returning home after time on the front. Also in All Quiet on The Western Front, Kat always wanted to live his best life, and then when he got hurt he just lost his passion to live and died. In Enemy at the Gates, Vassili Zaitsev was destroyed after finding out the death of Sasha, and the injury of his girlfriend Rachel. Paul, Kemmerich, and Vassili all lost their childhood fun, and had to mature without living out their youth stage.
In All Quiet on the Western Front, a group of young german school boys, 18 …show more content…

They started at the beginning of the story, with determination to win the war. As the story goes on the determination to win the war fades, as well as the passion to live a fun, and good life as a youth child. The soldiers are clearly excited to go to war. “Last night we moved back and settled to get a good sleep for once: Katczinsky is right when he says it would not be such a bad war if only one could get a little more sleep” (Remarque 2). Early in the war, the soldiers are not really worried about the war, they are worried about the sleep they get. They believe the worse thing happening to them is the amount of sleep they receive. By the end of the movie, these men do not know what sleep is, they just want to die. “He had fallen and lay on the earth as through sleeping. Turning him over one saw that he could not have suffered long; his face had an expression of calm, as though almost glad the end had come” (Remarque 296). The narrator, Paul Baumer was the last to die in his group, and it was a relief for him. He wanted to go and run away forever but he was stuck on the front and was not allowed to more. He even tried to escape the front on day, he was caught and was forced to return. These young men