
A Comparison Of Stress In Male And Female Heart Patients

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INTRODUCTION The aim of this study is to measuring the stress level and emotional well being in male and female heart patients. Now a day’s heart disease is health problem and it is one of the main causes of mortality in the world. This disease dose not influences patient’s health but also social relationships; life pattern, family atmosphere, occupational and income level are influenced by it too. Scientist has prolonged research that many heart attack and heart problem occur because of stress and emotional distress. Most of the researcher defined about that there is a significant relationship between mental stress and heart problem and its effect on physical and mental health. Stress is everywhere, but as a relatively new phenomenon how we can define stress and how it can affect person’s physical, mental and emotional health. The person who suffering from stress are they also suffered from any physical or emotional illness. Whatever stress is, it has developed massively in current days, which rising a question that what is wrong happened in society that leads to stress? And the answer is this that stresses effect on those which are very high socio-economic background or very low background. What is stress? Stress is an emotion that is …show more content…

Emotional responses to stress include such feelings as anxiety, irritability, anger, embarrassment, depression, helplessness, and hostility. Anxiety is potentially one of the most damaging emotional reactions. It is especially likely to develop when we perceive a marked imbalance between the threat posed by a stressor and our personal resources for coping with it. We have seen in previous discussions how devastating anxiety can be. People who are unable to cope effectively with anxiety become physically and psychologically drained a condition that increases their susceptibility to a variety of disorders (Parker,

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