Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Analysis

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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that is associated with symptoms of arousal, flashbacks, and avoidance. PTSD affects all individuals. PTSD is diagnosed through self- report measures and clinician administered interviews in order to measure the severity of the disorder (Bauer, M.R. et. al,. 1993). Veterans and trauma survivors are reported to experience PTSD, however with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy, it decreases the symptoms and trauma-related cognitions among the individuals affected. PTSD symptoms starts as early within three months of the event but sometimes years after the event as well. The symptoms are categorized into four groups such as intrusive memories, avoidance, negative …show more content…

It is viewed as a constellation of correlated physical, cognitive, and social fears that are often misinterpreted as anxiety. Individuals with anxiety sensitivity respond to a traumatic stressor in addition to their own reactions and sensitize the trauma. A traumatic event generates anxiety sensitivity and PTSD with the fear that anxiety might be activated. A small research was conducted to determine whether anxiety sensitivity increased the risk of posttraumatic stress reactions. A cross-sectional study of 51 trauma survivors reported to display acute stress disorder and higher anxiety sensitivity (Marshall, Miles, & Stewart, 2010). It also showed that symptoms were predictive over an 18-month period. In another study of 50 trauma-exposed women found that PTSD symptoms were predicted through anxiety sensitivity. Results demonstrated that anxiety sensitivity is affected by the severity of PTSD symptoms. Anxiety sensitivity is also a target in which the PTSD symptoms may be reduced (Marshall, Miles, & Stewart, …show more content…

The therapies used to treat PTSD involve Exposure Therapy (EP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EDMR). The repeated recall helps the clients break the avoidance of PTSD in order to reduce the symptoms. Through reconsolidation, memories enter a labile state in which the individual incorporates new information that modifies the trace of the memories (Elwood, Galovski, Juliette, Mott, & Walsh, 2015). CBT helps reduce PTSD and the comorbid symptoms that follow. Through behavioral interventions, communication skills, and dyadic interventions to change the maladaptive beliefs maintain PTSD and the relationship distress. In a trail, participants were receiving CBT after PTSD symptoms were shown and others were delayed treatment. Results showed that 71% lost their PTSD symptoms followed by the 3rd month follow-up (Macdonald et al., 2016). EP helps individuals face what they are frightened of. This approach exposes them to the “virtual reality” and they re-enter the setting so they can learn to cope with the situation effectively. EDMR combines exposure therapy with guided eye movements that help the process of the traumatic memories and change how one reacts to them. Many individuals find group therapies effective as well because it allows them to reconnect with others about the similar experiences they face. Antidepressants,