A Critical Analysis Of Sir Thomas More's Utopia

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The book “Utopia” by Thomas More was originally written in Latin in late 1516(Pg.8 “Utopia”) and is about a perfect society on an island of “Utopia” in the Atlantic Ocean. The utopia has a communist style government (Pg. 10 “Utopia”) where each citizen is granted the right to an education no matter man or woman, free health care, and materialistic items such as gold and silver have no more worth than iron even though the rarity. Religious freedom is introduced which is quite remarkable for the time period. War is only last case scenario for the island of “Utopia” and it is necessary to avoid it with peace completely if all possible. An event that affected the book at the time was in 1509 when King Henry the Eighth married Catherine of Aragon and became …show more content…

However, the book was not the only reason for More’s execution it was also because More refused to believe that King Henry the 8th should be the head over the Pope. The reason King Henry the 8th created the Anglican Church was, therefore he had the ability unlike before when the pope rejected his request of the Catholic Church was he desired to get a divorce from his wife which eventually he did so under his church. However, Sir Thomas More could not accept changing his religious beliefs to fit the agenda of his corrupt king who desired his every wish to be fulfilled. During the 16th century the king responded negatively to “Utopia”, however I think many would look at the work as a learning experience such as the article “What We Can Learn Today from More’s Vision of Utopia” were they created their own perfect society to celebrate the books 500th anniversary. There would be some that would be closed-minded and only Jason Cannon Professor Lauer 13 February 2018 TCP- Unit 1 dismiss the concept because of the word communism, furthermore missing the reason why the book is important because it expresses a new