A Good Man Is Hard To Find Foreshadowing Analysis

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In the story, A Good Man is Hard to Find, a family is taking a trip to Florida from Georgia. The author makes use of foreshadowing to show that some type of harm will come to the family. In the end of the story, the family perishes. The use of foreshadowing events in the story keep it quite interesting and suspenseful.
On the first page of the story, I found a few hints of what could happen down the road. As the story begins there is an article in the newspaper that said that a killer named The Misfit is on the loose and headed for Florida. The Grandmother didn’t want to go to Florida but instead wanted to go to Tennessee to visit old connections. Even after more pleading from The Grandmother, the family packed up and headed towards Florida. The Grandmother packed her cat into a basket and hid it under her valise; her only son, Bailey didn’t like to have the cat along on trips. I can tell that something will happen due to the fact that the cat is not supposed to come along for the trip. Another hint of foreshadowing, is that The Grandmother is dressed in her Sunday clothes, which includes a navy blue dress, cotton gloves, and a …show more content…

The graveyard contained around five or six graves; the same amount of people in the car. The graveyard was in the middle of a cotton field, which more than likely symbolized that the family will perish in the middle of nowhere. After a good drive, the family stops at a filling station called The Tower. As they ate their food Red Sammy mentioned he had two strange men fill up their car in the last week. The two men said they worked at the mill, so he let the charge the gas and they pay later. These men could have been accomplices of The Misfit. Another foreshadowing hint is that The Grandmother keeps bringing up The Misfit. Red Sammy’s wife would not have been surprised if he came to rob the place. Red Sammy hushes up his wife and the family continues on their