A Good President Research Paper

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For me, a good President is one that puts the average person before or at least on equal ground with the super wealthy and corporations, and one that does the least amount of harm. There have been no Presidents that are perfect on every score, so in picking it is a balance between good and harm. The best President in my lifetime has been Jimmy Carter, he sent no soldiers to war, he tried to wean us off of fossil fuels and he put solar panels on the White house. Carter also refused to leave the Whitehouse while U.S. hostages were in Iran, the best thing about Carter was that he lived his ethics. Franklin Roosevelt is another President I would rank near the top, when our nation was in an economic peril, he put the common man back to work. Many …show more content…

Eisenhower also taxed the super wealthy to the point where they were still rich and helped the country as a whole improve. I also like that Eisenhower was aware and warned of the Military Industrial Complex. I think what makes a president great is to have some sort of connection in life with the people they will govern. For jimmy Carter it was growing up in a small town in Georgia. For Franklin Roosevelt it was contrating polio. Abraham Lincoln came from a humble home. Dwight Eisenhower was known as the soldiers General. Kennedy came from a rich background, but he was from a family that truly cared about the average person. The person I think will make a great president next is Bernie Sanders. Sanders is not a millionaire like all the rest, he knows what it is like to do and work for himself. Sanders neither like the Wall Street tycoons, nor does he take their money so that he can get elected. If Americans can get past the label of socialist and listen to what he says, I think most will understand that he has the country as a whole in his interest. Where Sanders, or any Democrat will have problems in governing is the far right media people, like Coulter, and Limbaugh stirring up fear as they do so