A Hologram For The King Analysis

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Global capitalism may affect one nation directly but indirectly affects the world, new opportunities are created whenever a country decides to expand. In A Hologram For The King by Dave Eggers, Alan, the protagonist of the novel, is an American who traveling to Saudi Arabia with his team in an effort to make a business deal for a new city. The deal would help his financial standings and would allow his daughter to pursue her dreams with a higher education. Global capitalism affects Alan in two different instances, first, the expansion in China results in him losing his bicycle company and then global capitalism in Saudi Arabia saves him. When he arrives in Saudi Arabia he notices different trends regarding labor, many people left their own countries to work in a nation that is on the rise. Also, the development of Saudi Arabia provides a new market for transactions to take place, it opens a door for new technologies and allows competition to take on a new market. Through his representation of Alan Clay, Egger’s novel suggests that global capitalism’s rippling effects reach out to the population by presenting …show more content…

The Saudi’s want to be the next big expansion in the Middle East. When Alan reaches the “KING ABDULLAH ECONOMIC CITY: ONE MAN’S VISION, ONE NATION’S HOPE” he is shocked to see nothing but two buildings (pg. 40). The King in this case saw the impact Dubia had on the world and wants to bring that same paradise to his land. If he succeeds he can ensure a positive future for himself and would begin the global capitalism for the rest of Saudi Arabia. The king also promises more than just a beautiful city, the laws will be less strict for women, “they’ll be able to mix more freely with the men and drive” but these are just promises (pg. 38). These differences may be enough to target a different market of consumers as well as