
A Little Book For New Theologians 'And Jones' Practicing Christian Theology

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Christian Theology is the seeking to understand God's nature, His actions, and how He interacts with the world. Theology is a spiritual discipline that seeks to deepen one's relationship with God. Kapic's "A Little Book for New Theologians" and Jones' "Practicing Christian Doctrine" both emphasize the importance of theology in the Christian faith and explain why it has been an essential component of the church's ministry since its inception.
According to Kapic, theology helps Christians understand "who God is and what he has done" (p. 19). Theology enables us as Christians to grasp the depth and beauty of the gospel and to articulate it in ways that are relevant to today. Furthermore, theology helps us live out our faith in a practical way. Jones argues that theology is essential for Christian discipleship because it helps Christians "learn how …show more content…

Theology helps Christians come to a common understanding of God's nature and character, which is crucial for building unity. Kapic emphasizes that theology should be done in a spirit of humility and love, recognizing that "we are all flawed and limited" in our understanding of God (p. 23). Jones emphasizes that theology is not merely an intellectual pursuit but a communal one, where Christians learn from one another and grow together in their faith.
Of the books and the reading assigned, I read close to 85%. I am someone who loves to read so it was helpful to me as I get more out of a book than a lecture. They helped me understand the ideas on which I based my beliefs off. A good portion of my spiritual journey in the first few years after rededicating my life to God was spent trying to understand the concepts I grew up just blindly accepting. These books and readings have helped explain how and why in ways that made sense to me. Overall I believe that this class has helped secure me in the foundations of my

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