A Look In The World Of Socrates

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Adriana Silva
History 1101
Grossmont, online
Classical Greek Philosophy: A look in the world of Socrates Classical Greek philosophy began developing during the period of classical Greece, which begun around 500 B.C.E. The first hint at philosophy is known as the pre-Socratic tradition, which is philosophy preceding Socrates himself. The next tier was the sophist tradition, which included Socrates which is, “…most well known philosopher of all time” (Feres, ch.5, pg. 119). Both helped create different methods of critical thinking and helped shaped the thinking of the society in Athens during the classical Greek period. The pre-Socratics were most arguably started by a man named Thales of Miletus. He is determined as the man who is remembered as the “father of philosophy”, science and even geometry. Their type of philosophy was concentrated in describing the natural universe. …show more content…

Thales and the other philosophers that followed him “attempted to convey that there were natural rather than supernatural explanations for these events.” (Feres, Ch.5, pg.119). Moreover, another influential person was a man named Pythagoras (cs. 570-490 BCE). He managed to theorize that the “Heavenly” bodies where moving in the congruence of very fine mathematical ratios. Democratic of Tharace (cs. 460- ca. 370 BCE) helped build onto the theory of applying the mind. He theorized that, “everything from feelings and ideas to the physical sensations of taste, sight, and smell could be explained by the movements of atoms in the brian.” (Sayre, ch.5, pg. 148). These Pre-Socratics were the underlying foundation of Socrates beliefs and understanding of the world. The backbone of the creation of the Sophist tradition some people might say. That will later affect the Athenian world and beyond to later civilizations in the