A Marble Research Paper

510 Words3 Pages

Marble is a common rock that has many everyday uses. Marble has more uses than most rocks do. It can be used in buildings, animal feed, countertops, and ect. In this report I will explain some of the ways marble is used, how it is made, and some of marble’s physical properties.
Marble has many uses for different types of careers and everyday things. Marble can be used by Architects, farmers, artists, and many other things. Marble can also be used to make cemetery markers. Architects can use marble on staircases. They can also use marble to make countertops or even in a building. In fact, many parts of the Lincoln memorial was made using marble. Those parts include the upper stairs, the floor, the ceiling tiles, the outside façade, and …show more content…

Marble can be easy for Artists to carve to make different things out of it. According to ehow.com, white marble is “highly prized for sculpture and architecture and it is made from the purest of white limestone.” Artists and architects, may want to get the whitest of marble to use for their work.
Farmers is another person who could benefit from marble. According to Geology.com, Marble is only a three on the Mohs hardness scale. Since the marble is not too hard, it can actually be used as a calcium additive in some animal’s food. According to the article Lincoln Memorial Construction, the most common animal feed that this would be used for would be chickens and cow’s feed. Cows need the calcium to produce milk and chickens need it to lay eggs.
Marble was once limestone, before Limestone underwent a transformation. “A marble is a metamorphic rock that forms when limestone is subjected to heat and pressure of a metamorphism” according to Geology.com. Marble is made up mostly of one mineral, but you might also be able to find many other minerals. Some of the minerals you may find include: Clay, iron oxides, calcite, graphite, quartz, and micas. Out of those minerals, marble is mostly made up of the mineral