A Narrative Essay About A Homeless Person

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It all began on a warm and humid summer night. I was pondering on how much I loved my family and how much I loved spending time with them. I was just 7 years old. I was also playing with my older sister in my sizeable basement. That is when my entire little world around me started crumbling.

My parents said that they had something they needed to say to us. All of us. That might not be unusual to some people, but we never did anything like that, until that day. They told us to sit on the couch which meant to me, in my little 7 year old mind, that something was wrong. They asked us if we had noticed how unhappy they were lately, which I had, and they did not like that. They said they had not enjoyed each others company lately, and that they were going to get …show more content…

No doubt. Usually not in front of us but maybe we catch a heated discussion once in a while. Sometimes it is dumb things, who is going to take me where, or who can help out when. But, if you look back at this paper, we've hit some major bumps in the road. Some people may call them hills they are so big, but regardless, fast forward five years from the beginning. You see me sitting here, telling you my story, but why? To make you have sympathy, no way. I'm telling you this because you should cherish the time you have with your family. Respect them and everyone around you. My parents are way happier now then I think they ever were together. My father is getting remarried to the love of his life, and my mom is taking care of us as best as she can. Which is terrific. I want my parents to be as happy as they can be, and I believe they are now. Will there be disagreements along the way? Of course. Everyone has disagreements, and we will get through them together. To me, that is all that matters. None of the arguments, none of the screams, can take down my family. This what any family is all about. Including ours, no matter how different it is. We love each other, and no matter what, that will not

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