A Paragraph About Women In The Elizabethan Era

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Rough Draft
Topic Paragraph: Have you ever wondered how women went from being considered as objects to being considered as equal? In the Elizabethan era, they were seen as objects to obtain fame, power, and wealth, not seen as people. Because of this mindset, they couldn’t do or learn anything, just because of the fact that they were women (Gale). It was also largely debated if they even had souls (Gale). Since this time, the way women are perceived has changed. Now they play an important part in society, whether it be in the office or at home. They are now considered equal among men, and can do most, if not all the things that they can do. How did they go from being so low to being equal?

Body Paragraph 1: The largest puzzle was how a single …show more content…

They also had the option of being an overworked nurse in a filthy hospital, or being a “searcher”, a person that tries to find the cause of disease in the deceased (Gale). Since these two jobs were out of the question for many, most women decided to get married. The things that a housewife would have to do depended on her husband’s occupation, but most importantly depended on keeping him happy and satisfied (Gale). For example, a shopkeeper’s wife would have to keep account of all the books and keep a stable household, while a farmer’s wife would have to run to the market to sell cheese, eggs, etc (Gale). Women in the higher classes had more free time, which was spent on things like singing, dancing, and writing letters to one another (Gale). One foreigner referred to …show more content…

Ever since then, women have been on more equal terms with men(Enotes, booboosmosh). How this was possible was through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made it illegal to discriminate against someone because of their religion, gender, race, national origin, or color (EEOC). After this law was passed, an infinite amount of careers and opportunities were opened up, making women on par with men in terms of business (Enotes,