A Rhetorical Analysis Of Honda's Superbowl Campaigns

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The two Superbowl commercials I chose where Honda's 'Yearbooks' that fuel 'The power of dreams' And the Happy Daytona Day commercial. I choose these two because I like how Honda made it look old fashioned and with different celebrities. I like the Daytona one because I love NASCAR and I like how the whole nation watches the Daytona race. Honda was trying to sell the new Honda CR-V. Honda did this by taking different celebrities and having them say something inspirational than at the end they had the new Honda CR-V. The commercial that was most effective for me was the Happy Daytona Day because of how they had the ad set up. I choose this ad because Honda's was more inspirational during their ad it just didn't work for a car. Where as Happy Daytona Day it showed people from all over america celebrating the Daytona race and it worked because when you go to a NASCAR race it makes you happy. If we look at the two commercials separately I loved them both it was just a matter of whose commercial fit with what they where selling/persuading you with. …show more content…

Daytona did this by taking the fans of NASCAR and the Daytona 500 and showing how they celebrate Daytona day. The commercial that was most effective for me was this one because I feel that they showed how much America loves NASCAR and the Daytona 500. I choose this ad over Honda's because if felt more realistic compared to Honda's. Daytona day is where fans and people who love NASCAR get together to watch the big race they don't care who is racing as long as their favorite driver is in the Daytona 500. I have never been the Daytona 500 although I would like to go I love watching it on television as