
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

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Hassan Ali
Ms. Knapp
English IV Concurrent
20 January 2023
Side Effects of the Internet
The emergence of the Internet and has become a gateway to limitless information for billions of people since their creation in the early nineties. Gradually, people adapted their mentalities to treat search engines, like Google, as an everyday convenience, like the telephone or the automobile. Its dominance in the global tech market and the development of human technology is unprecedented, and many view Google as one of the gems of the information age. The concern though is that it is leading us from an individual and societal level towards a negative change in our cognitive abilities and the way we are supposed to think, naturally. Cliche but true, too much of anything is bad for you; Nicholas Carr puts this into a perspective of cognitive deterioration in his essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid” when he says how the internet has been “...chipping away at [his] capacity for concentration and contemplation” (Carr 4). Google provides access to infinite information which can be accessed by billions worldwide with such ease and efficiency. However, that is the problem Carr exclaims to his audience, where the ease in information-gathering is unnatural in comparison to older techniques which required plain books, knowledge, and expert connections to be utilized. Carr’s point of cognitive deterioration …show more content…

Although Nicholas Carr’s claim that web engine technology has been detrimental towards cognitive ability is valid, it is also important to consider that increased usage

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