
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Oprah Winfrey's Speech

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Oprah Winfrey is an iconic lady that everyone would love to have at their graduation for a speech. She talks to millions worldwide so why not have her at your own graduation? Oprah was able to go to Stanford University's graduation in 2008 to give the graduates a commencement speech. The students were very grateful that Oprah could make it and they were a little starstruck. Part of why she spoke was because her goddaughter graduated from Stanford that year so of course she had to say yes. Oprah's language strategies were very good and she had amazing word choice. In the speech she had multiple similes, metaphors, and repetition. She repeated "Ohmigod" three different times while telling a story to the graduates about her goddaughter first …show more content…

When she accomplished the first lesson she realized, "So, lesson one, follow your feelings. If it feels right, move forward. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. And I got that lesson. When you're doing the work you're meant to do, it feels right and every day is a bonus, regardless of what you're getting paid" ("Oprah Talks"). She realized the second point, "And what I've found is that difficulties come when you don't pay attention to life's whisper, because life always whispers to you first" said, Oprah ("Oprah Talks"). She found happiness with her talk show, "but that happiness reached a depth of fulfillment, of joy, that I really can't describe to you or measure when I stopped just being on TV and looking at TV as a job and decided to use television, to use it and not have it use me, to use it as a platform to serve my viewers" ("Oprah Talks").
One review that was positive and very true was on SFGate, they said, Oprah Winfrey told more than 4,000 Stanford University graduates on Sunday to harness their power to their passions, trust their hearts and stand for something greater than themselves. Dressed in a black gown, white heels and red sash, Winfrey, Stanford's keynote commencement speaker, made her way to the stage with a few bodyguards. She then posed for pictures with students and delivered

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