A Short Summary On Dementia

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Dementia Stage 1:
The person becomes aware that she is not thinking and remembering as she did in the past. At this stage, she is pretty good at covering up gaps and lapses in memory. Family members and others may see a troubling lapse once in a while but will likely attribute it to the person having a bad day or the normal memory changes that occur with aging. Tools such as making notes, using a written calendar and keeping lists can help her stay on track.

Dementia Stage 2:
At this stage memory lapses and confusion become more obvious and the person can no longer hide her memory gaps from family and friends. Her short term memory is very impaired and she may ask a lot of repetitive questions and be anxious about when events are happening. Her ability to manage her day-to-day life is affected. A formerly neat person may become messy. Hobbies that previously provided enjoyment may be abandoned. She may withdraw socially, finding that she is uncomfortable in group situations. Friends may drift away when your family member can no longer participate and respond as she did before. …show more content…

It is obvious to anyone speaking to her for more than a few minutes that something is wrong with her ability to think. Her dementia may also limit her ability to communicate. Your family member requires daily supervision if not constant supervision to make sure that she is safe. She needs assistance with the activities of daily living such as bathing and dressing and can no longer live

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