
A Significant Christian Expression Of Worship God

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Human beings were created to worship God and I believe that our core longings can only be fulfilled through sharing an intimate relationship with our maker. The term “worship” is understood differently by different people and in different denominations of churches it is outworked in different ways. The expression of worship is manifest differently in different individuals and has many different forms. However it is the heart of the worshiper which renders it true or not.

Summarise your original understanding of the discipline before the course started
Before starting this class I understood that God wants me to “worship the Father in Spirit and in truth.” To me this meant that he sees the posture of my heart and that is what He looks at rather than my outward appearance. I also equated “worship” with music and as a musician it is easy to express my love for God through songs.

A Significant Christian figure in history who has contributed to this discipline
One of the most significant characters in history …show more content…

Roman Catholics recognise three levels of worship, these include latria, dulia and hyperdulia. Latria Worship is the highest form of worship and is reserved for God only, if it were to be paid to anything else it would become idolatry. Dulia worship is seen as indirect worship of God as it is paid to objects or people such as martyrs, saints and relics who have a special relationship to Him. Finally, hyperdulia is the level of worship which is given to the Virgin Mary for her superior status among the saints. For Pentecostal believers the term “worship” is used only for God and the word “honour” would be used in relation to great people of the

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