Cb Final Paper

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CB- Final Paper- P&P The Church is a diverse body of persons professing the Christian faith. The people called Christians are those that understand and witness the birth and death of Jesus Christ. This conveys that they believe Jesus Christ to be the begotten son of God, the Creator of this world. “Church” is a term that is used to identify Christians that exist in different parts of the world and is synonymous with the terms “body of Christ,” and the “ecclesia.” This suggests that the people who form the Church are persons of the body of Christ as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:27 and Romans 12:5. In this paper I focus on the purpose and calling of the Church, the relationship of people in position as pastors with the congregation (that is, …show more content…

Historically speaking, “a congregation is neither a society nor a culture. This implicates the idea that a “congregation in the United States may be composed of persons from several cultures.” In this case, it makes the situation less complex because the judicatory has found the church platform to begin the journey of renewing a ministry in a transitioning neighborhood. As the fish bowl presented views of the Representative of City of Evanston, the money that is promised to be paid to the church, is in the hands of the church leadership how to use that money, but first know how to begin the process of analyzing the plan. According to the case study, the church has fifty people as its church attendee. Though the church is expecting to make a new beginning with expectations of increasing its members and investing the money on some unknown projects that needs to be discussed by the pastors and church leaders, they would need to seriously understand that their working toward not only increasing the church members should be a goal, but the income that that they are able to receive because of all the anticipated new projects. According to the Group 1 Case Study, the church leaders are required to explore ideas how to invest the money that has been given by the city. At the same time it is a challenge how to work on …show more content…

It is just not a series of meetings with the laity that the church leadership becomes complete. It is also essential to know that a “congregational life is about balance and the integration of worship, work and witness.” Recently, I happened to attend a church service at a non-denominational mega church. It was not only surprising to see that people belonging to one ethnicity, culture, and language had separated their seating sections, it was more surprising that they hung out with each other for certain events too. Though it is a good thing for people belonging to one culture to meet with each other, at the same time, it marginalizes them from knowing, building relationships with people who come from other ethnic backgrounds, It is probably not too healthy, especially for a church to be so reserved to one’s tiny circle of culture or language. How would one live out to be the church if one was not a diverse body of persons, because a church is that Body of Christ, that consists of diverse persons. This echoes Dr. Fowler’s words that “the Church is not fundamentally an institution; it’s the Body of