A Speech On Education: The Importance Of Education

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Education. What comes first into our mind once you hear this word? How important is it? What is its purpose in our life, in our country’s future? Who has the right to avail this and on what way could it be conducted properly? Everyone must know the deeper meaning of this word. We must be aware of its components and aspects especially because, this is a process of getting knowledge about anything which is required for the people. (http://www.ukessays.com) Have you even tried to walk on somewhere and tried to observe a certain community then identify who among them are educated and who among are not? What can you say about their lives? You, being a student, do you feel the essence of having the so we called EDUCATION? Are you already aware of the benefits gained in being educated? According to Wikipedia, Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habit of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training and research. See how education plays a very important role in our lives? As they say, this thing serves as the key for our success. How can we say that it’s not true, if most likely, lots of opportunities are given to those who attained education? It can be concluded that education is the main foundation and the center of the country. That’s why the government should provide enough assistance in our education section so that every Filipino’s right to good education would be granted.