
A Story Of Ebenezer Scrooge In A Christmas Carol

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Introduction: Scrooge was a very nice man in the inside . He just didn't accept to do anything in his life that was fun and joyful. I think Scrooge was a man who deserved to be with family . Instead of living in a dark home alone by himself and I also think he could've brighten up his home. I will be talking about scrooge and how he lived and how he started to come out.

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Scrooge was a man who didn't like holidays especially Christmas . He didn't like anyone talking to him about Christmas not even his nephew. Scrooge was a cold hearted miser with a pointed nose, red eyes, blue lips, and spoke with a grating voice. His full name was Called Ebenezer Scrooge. Scrooge started changing his actions through the story . He started to change
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