
A Story Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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Hello son, It is I your sublime father, Odysseus. I do sincerely apologise for how long I’ve been gone, however, I have been on a great many quests. What have you done? Surly I have seen more in my time out than you will in your life. Anyway, I landed on the island of the Cyclopes while in search of supplies. We found a great many cheeses, as well as ewes, and several sheep. At that time my men had no idea what was living there though being so cunning I knew. I knew my men would be afraid of what was living there, so I kept it to myself seeing that I can best any beast or god. When the foul abomination of a Cyclops finally decided to show itself, I single-handedly drove a hot stake bigger than one’s self deep into its eye. It hissed and popped as I twisted and twisted it, then out of p. I quickly hushed my men and told them to hide and wait for the right moment. …show more content…

So whence they came, they Called to him asking who attacked him. He roared in pain “NOBDY, NOBDY HAS BLINDED ME!” So believing that no help had been needed, they roamed back to the wretched pits they call home. We spent the night in silence, waiting for the time when the Cyclops opened the giant stone door, so he could let his flock out. When he finally did we tied the sheep in teams of three and hid beneath them as not to get caught. When we finally got free from his cave we hastily made our way back to the ship, his flock of sheep with us. We swiftly set sail from that horrid island. Knowing he could not see us I yelled back to the beast “I Odysseus has blinded you.” He roared in anger so loud that the entire island shook, then he lifted a boulder and heaved it toward our ship, just missing it. When we were finally away from the reach of the behemoth is when the crew began to regain their

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