
Odysseus: A Hero In Homer's The Odyssey

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What is a hero? Being a hero consists of doing what others are not willing to do. Being heroic is helping others out, doing dangerous things, or even being wise. During Odysseus' travels, he proves that he is a hero who is willing to do anything to return home. In this essay I will be explaining the reasons why Odysseus acts heroically during his time at Troy and on his adventures home. He shows leadership, bravery, and strength throughout the story. To begin with, Odysseus does everything in his power to show leadership in this story. He does this to protect and save his men on their journey. This ties into him being heroic. While Odysseus and his men were traveling, they came across an island. On this island, they discovered a cave. Little did he and his men know what was …show more content…

He felt it was necessary for him to speak up and figure out who the Cyclops are. Even though he said this with confidence, his men were still so scared, some even got killed. With this occurring, Odysseus knew something had to be done in order for them to leave. Odysseus came up with a plan to be able to escape the cave and help him and his men get out. In the story The Odyssey “book 9” explains, “Courage - no panic, no one hangs back now.Hoisting high that olive stake with its stabbing point, straight into the monster’s eye they rammed it hard” (422-428). According to this, it shares how Odysseus leads his men into sphereing the Cyclops' eyes. Throughout the story, he leads his men to survival. During the Odyssey, Odysseus shows leadership while overcoming obstacles with him and his men. To follow up with this, Odysseus also shows he is heroic due to his trait of being brave and strong. During his journey home, he needed to go to the House of Death. This was the way he was able to get directions to Ithaca. Going down to the House of Death could have caused terrible things to happen to

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