
A Synopsis Of The Book 'Seconds Away' By Harlan Coben

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What if one of your very close friends got shot in the head? The book I read is titled Seconds Away by Harlan Coben and it was a captivating thriller throughout the entire book. The chapters of this book left me speechless as the author pulled me in and made me feel like I was a part of the story. The feeling I got from how the story actually played out literally took my breath away. I think this is good book because of how the plot rolled out, how the theme came through and the mood that is created that you feel from it. In this book there are two mysteries, figuring out who shot a girl in the head and a boy’s presumed dead father that might still be alive. Mickey, the main character, tries to solve these mysteries with the help of his …show more content…

The plot always leaves you on edge and wondering what is going to happen next. For that reason, I really liked it and enjoyed reading every bit of this book.Next up is how the theme really comes through and shows what it should be like in the story. When they talk about the creepy house and the scary people it sends chills down your spine. “There was danger. You could feel it.” (Seconds Away pg.151) The book even says it straight out. The way he says his words and explains things leaving people on cliff hangers and giving me nightmares. Danger marked every page you flipped through so that you almost wanted to stop reading, but you just kept going. The suspense never disappointed me.Last is the mood, the feeling the book gave you was intense and got you begging for more. The mood was jumping all around the place, one time its funny the next could be someone crying until their body is like a prune. You think this and that but really it’s all upside down. “She’s the creepy old lady who lives in the creepy old house down the block.” (Seconds Away pg.2) From this you already have to be scared, you know something is up when you have a creepy old lady. She stares at you from her window says weird things to you and makes you wonder if there true. She can make you happy, sad and angry at everything. That’s exactly what Bat Lady (creepy old

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