A Theoretical Analysis Of Eating Carl's Jr.

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This ad enforces the idea of female body as a sexual object it dictates the “look” and body shape a woman should have in order to be seductive. The ad, with kardashian laying on bed, is enforcing the idea of woman belonging to an environment where the sexual encounter normally takes place and turns even a simple task like eating a salad into a sexual encounter as if kardashian is having a sexual encounter with the salad as opposed to just eating it. The Carl’s Jr. commercial featuring Kim Kardashian to promote their new grilled chicken salad uses sensational imagery of Kardashian’s body and overly sexualized body language and behaviour to appeal to adult male audience. This ad enforces the old and traditional assumption about women as sexual objects.
One can summarize the argument of this ad as being that ‘eating Carl’s Jr.’s chicken salad is like having sex with Kim Kardashian’. The ad’s choice of celebrity itself is worthy of discussion. Kim Kardashian is famous for her exotic look and exaggerated body shape, but she really became …show more content…

In Kardashian’s ad, the audience is adult male who is told that eating Carl’s Jr. goods will give them the same feeling of satisfaction and pleasure as if they would have a woman like Kardashian by their side. The ad is basically a man’s dream; to come home to a sexy woman with the characteristics of Kardashian waiting on the bed while eating salad! As Jhally says, “in the image-system as a whole, happiness lies at the end of a purchase” (252). In this sense the identity of a woman is commodified. That level of sexiness and femininity is turned into a commodity that can be sold in the same way that a salad can be sold. The pleasure of eating a good salad can be bought with the purchase of salad that somehow magically has someone like Kardashian beside