A Wrinkle In Time: Similarities Between Book And Movie

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Did you know that books and movies can be about the same thing, and yet be so different? A Wrinkle in Time is about a family, the Wallaces, whos father figure is a scientist who accidentally tessered through time onto an unknown planet. It is the job for Meg and her brother Charles Wallace and a peer from school to save him. Although the book and the movie are about the same thing, I found the book more powerful. I believe that the book is more powerful due to the detail, dialogue, and step by step detail.
The reason the story is better than the movie is because of the dialogue in the book. In the book, you can see what the character, Meg, is thinking. In the movie, we can only hear the dialogue. For example, “For crying out loud, she thought,—this old …show more content…

Selects relevant evidence that supports main claim(s). Evidence for subclaims is limited or weakly related.
Selects relevant evidence that supports both main claim(s) and subclaims.
Selects a variety of relevant evidence that is sufficient to support main claim(s); evidence still only generally supports subclaims.
Comparing and
Identifies a similarity or difference relevant to a claim/main idea.
Identifies similarities and differences relevant to a specific claim/main idea.
Identifies significant similarities and differences relevant to a specific claim/main idea.
Describes significant similarities and differences relevant to a specific claim/main idea/thesis.
Identifies significant similarities and differences relevant to a specific claim/main idea/thesis. Explains in a limited way why the similarities/differences are meaningful within the frame of reference (i.e., the claim/main idea/thesis).
Making Connections & Inferences
Demonstrates a basic understanding of a text based on explicit details in the text.
Refers to a specific example relevant to that understanding.
Makes an inference based on evidence. Refers to a specific example relevant the