ABCDE Model Of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (Rebt)

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ABCDE Model of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) is developed by Albert Ellis who is the first developer of the ABCDE model that focused on cognitive-behavioral therapeutic approach in counseling. In counseling session, the client normally will firstly explore their C and the role of the counselor is to help the client to figure out client’s A and B before the intervention steps D is plan to get the new result E. According to Dryden (2013) C stands for the consequences of the beliefs apprehended at B about the “critical A”. This is often shown as A×B=C. There are three such consequences at C which is emotional, behavioral and cognitive. C is the consequence of irrational beliefs and how …show more content…

The effect (E) will provide changes to the new feeling. Ellis (1955) as cited in Aina Razlin (2015) explains that in order to change for a better life, one must dispute the thought of having emotional disturbances are caused by the environment. He said that an individual should believe that human has capacity to control his own emotions and behaviours. Bernard (2011) as cited in Aina Razlin (2015) said that an individual should aware and be responsible to his dysfunctional thoughts. The individual should do something changes his thoughts towards rational. Froggatt (2005) as cited in Ainan Razlin (2015) explains in REBT perspectives, the changes can be seen in different level. There are differences between feel better and get better. Froggatt said that clients are always confusing between these statuses thus stopping the efforts to overcome the conflict because they think they feel better. They ‘feel better’ level can be achieved by doing changes in physical activities such as exercising, eating schedule and medication intake. Changing the perceptions in situations such as convincing himself no bad event will happen can help the client to feel better too. Furthermore, Froggatt explains the ‘get better’ level is a level which brings the client to longer and meaningful changes. This level requires the client to change his principle of life which stops the individual to confront the situation healthily. To see the changes, there are few techniques suggested by the founder. Firstly, REBT theory provides cognitive techniques for practitioner to apply towards clients. Cognitive techniques can be divided into a few ways. According to Wayne (2005), cognitive techniques include rational analysis, double-standard dispute, catastrophe scale, devil’s advocate and reframing. Wayne explains rational analysis is an analysis of specific episodes by the therapist to teach the client how

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