The ABC-E Model

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The purpose of this assignment, I will critically discuss and analyse the use of the ABC-E model, when assessing and engaging with a new client. The ABC-E model of emotion is known by a bio-psychosocial model of mental health care which enables a client to understand there autonomic, behavioural and cognitive symptoms in their environment to get a much deeper insight, into how the client may be feeling. Nursing assessments are a key component to mental health nursing care. It is a decision-making process based on the collection of information that gives an overall estimation of the consumer and their circumstances (Barker 2004). Throughout this assignment I will look at the ABC-E model of emotion, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and The Tidal …show more content…

The key to establishing a trusting relationship is the integration, usage, and mastery of therapeutic communication skills (Belcher & Jones, 2009).Due to the high importance of effective communication in mental health nursing, it is essential in therapeutic interventions. (Peplau, 1952) states that effective interpersonal skills are central to a mental health nurse’s ability to form a sound therapeutic alliance and to the role of mental health nurses. Excellent interpersonal aptitudes are what every mental health nurse needs to communicate effectively with clients. Active listening is more than just hearing what the client has to say, nurse must be actively engaging with the client, physically, emotionally and mentally. Effective listening is therefore a cognitive, behavioural and an affective process (Arnold and Underman Boggs, …show more content…

The Tidal Model embraces specific assumptions about people, their experience of problems of human living and their capacity for change (Barker and Buchanan-Barker, 2005). The Tidal Model focus is on the client and not on the disorder the client as such, its aim as a therapeutic one. (Barker 1997) states rather than engaging with the disorder or illness, the Tidal Model focuses on contacting the person. The Tidal Modal focuses on the person’s life story, to try encounter the real reason of their distress, to find the real meaning to what is affecting the person. The Tidal modal has a more personal touch due to focusing on what needs to be done to resolve the problem affecting the client. Recognising that the tidal model is a process of clients expressing their story, gives the client more control of their recovery. The Tidal model is made up of 10 commitments that reflect the core values of the tidal model which “represent the key attraction for nurses who are more interested in helping people make their own changes, rather than trying to manage or control patient symptoms” (Barker and Buchanan-Barker, 2004). The ABC-E model involves slowly engaging with a client by allowing the client to express their own taught, active listening is a main component in ABC-E assessment for a therapeutic