ADHD Learning Styles

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Many children with ADHD have serious issues with making as well as keeping friends. Up to seventy percent of students with ADHD/CD have no close friends by the time they excel to fourth grade. This can often be the result of the student trying to be the center of attention or by students trying to do things in their own way, which might be viewed as weird from other perspectives. Other times, they can talk too loudly or try too hard to show off in front of the other children their age. By helping children to recognize appropriate and inappropriate behavior, they have a better chance of getting along with their classmates if they are taught to recognize appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Thankfully, through their interaction with other …show more content…

Additionally, children with ADHD exhibit learning styles that differ from one another. A study on third through sixth graders predicted that there would be no common learning styles within the group. Instead, they found three major types of learning styles. First, “Large clusters of these children--but not all--required low rather than bright light when concentrating on academic tasks.” Second, “A majority of the children lacked persistence.” Third, “The children were not able to function well academically in the morning.” More young students wanted to learn in bright light and activities in the morning rather than later in the day. Older children needed more structure and would rather work in the …show more content…

The additive free diet is based on the idea that artificial colors and flavor can cause disabilities. The Oligoantigenic diet is almost the same as an additive free alternative with the addition of many other products including dairy products, wheat, eggs, corn, and chocolate. A sugar elimination diet, just like it says, cuts out refined sugar. Through fatty acid supplementation, fatty acids, which have a part in the development and upkeep of neuronal membranes, are added into a child’s diet as well. Diet modification can be difficult to maintain for school systems and usually are not kept up within a public institution. For the most part, the parent or guardian who made the decision to place them on the diet in the first place will be the one who monitors the child’s diet. Instead of buying a lunch, the parent would pack one. Although it is not as big of a deal in elementary schools, in the past few years, it has been helpful to get rid of snack and soda machines that could cause more problems. In many schools teachers are also not allowed to give candy treats to their students. As a less harmful alternative, they give out more healthy and useful prizes like pencils and