
APS Code Of Ethics Essay

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Within psychology, ethical decision making is an essential aspect psychologists utilize to make informed decisions within professional practice. Ethics are rules and standards that govern individual’s behaviors of what is acceptable and not acceptable. Psychologists have a responsibility to act in accordance with the laws surrounding ethical decision making, to further ensure that the highest standard of care is reached for the safety of the client’s mental health and wellbeing. Psychologists must ensure they utilize specialised codes of conduct within their professional practice. The Australian Psychology Society (APS Code of Ethics, 2007) outlines the standards of which psychologists must abide by to practice ethically and ensure the safety …show more content…

Miller acted wrongfully in continuing the sessions with Joan for weeks after the altercation between Joan and Dr. Miller’s mother. Joan expressed her frustration about the situation and resentment towards Dr. Miller’s mother and Dr. Miller allowed the sessions to continue despite her personal relationship interfering with her professional relationship. An alternative course of action for this action can be for Dr. Miller to refer Joan to another psychologist due to her existing personal relationship with her mother. However, if Joan was to cease sessions with Dr. Miller and see another psychologist to maintain professional propriety, it can become detrimental to Joan’s mental health due to her current mental health issues of depression and anxiety, furthermore, coupled with Joan’s struggling with loneliness, grief, and the loss of independence. Another action that could be taken is Dr. Miller could continue the sessions with Joan but refrain from discussing the altercation between Joan and Dr. Miller’s mother and inform Joan of her personal relationship with her mother to maintain the professional relationship. A likely consequence of this action could be that Joan feels betrayed and hurt from Dr. Miller not informing her of the personal relationship with her mother and acts out of character to maintain the current professional relationship Dr. Miller has with Joan. Joan’s acted right in expressing her frustration about the situation as she had no prior knowledge about …show more content…

The guidelines outline that Dr. Miller has violated section 6.3 as Dr. Miller’s actions as she didn’t avoid providing psychological services where they have a pre-existing and/or ongoing relationship, (e.g. family or friends) that may impair their judgement, independence or objectivity towards the client (APS Ethical guidelines for managing professional boundaries and multiple relationships, 2016). I would suggest that the best option would be for Dr. Miller to adhere to section C.3.1 (a) Conflict of interest, and refrain from continuing providing psychological services to Joan to provide her with the best possible care. Beneficence is the most prominent ethical principle present in the ethical dilemma. Dr. Miller is morally obligated to refer Joan as she has already violated an ethical code. I believe this is the most ethical solution to deal with the issue. A critic may argue Dr. Miller can act objectively. However, it is more ethical for Dr Miller to refer Joan to another psychologist as Dr Miller has already violated an ethical code which could have created bias and a damaged professional relationship between Dr. Miller and

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