
AT & T And The Acquisition Of T-Mobile

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⍀⬀➞ was a very big year for the technological companies. This was because the sales were booming as the world became more and more technology immersed, and with the emergence of new gadgets the cellular phone industry also saw tremendous growth. But with these immense changes in the number of consumers, there also emerges many problems. And that is what happened with AT&T. With the number of consumers growing, the network of the company became overloaded with the people using the network. The company wasn’t able to take the load of the people who were using their services, which meant that the data usage and signals were slower for these people. That meant in loss of the profit for the company and many frustrated users who couldn’t enjoy high-speed …show more content…

These companies are already giants in the business that they are working in, especially AT&T. T-Mobile is becoming a smaller company as many users are leaving it for other companies which provide better rates. But that doesn’t mean that T-Mobile don’t have many customers. It has enough customers to make AT&T think about buying the network. As evidenced by the sources of this paper, it could be seen that the acquisition of T-Mobile would have left the people of the country with very few choices when it came to mobile networks. A duopoly helps the companies, which have established that, but it leaves many of the consumers with bills that they couldn’t pay. The US government was able to see that and objected to this acquisition because they knew that the people of the country would have to pay a much higher price if this acquisition would’ve been completed. It could have also impacted the work market of the country, as many of the employees of T-Mobile would have been released from their duty. The intervention of the US government in such a vital matter shows that the government is promoting cheaper rates wherever it can. The merger would have had a huge impact on the people as well as the government, which would have been negative in its nature, which is why it is important that the merger didn’t take place. The simple answer to the question “Should AT& T be allowed to merge with T-Mobile?” is no. Because it meant that only the companies were the ones who would’ve benefited from this merger and not the people. It is the job of the government to ensure that such deals do not take place and that is what it has done in this case. The antitrust policies are in places for a reason and this case gives the biggest examples of why they are there. This policy had made sure that the people get the best services from their mobile service

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