AU Is An Example Of Act Utilitarianism

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AU Argument If AU were true, it would be morally okay for Jacob to break the promise to his grandfather. However, it is not morally okay for Jacob to break the promise. Therefore, act utilitarianism is false. Line 1: "If AU were true, it would be morally okay for Jacob to break the promise to his grandfather." Act utilitarianism (AU) is a moral theory that determines that the right action is the one that has the greatest positive outcome overall. This is similar to hedonic utility, which is the amount of positive/pleasure subtracted by the pain experienced by an experience. For AU, a decision is one that requires the individual to consider the consequences of the available options and then choose the alternative that produces the highest …show more content…

The critic claims that quarantine Casey against his will, the CDC is using him as a pawn to prevent a public health crisis. This violates the core ideals of CI2. line 2: "It is not morally wrong for the CDC to do this; it is morally permissible for them to do this." This premise contradicts the first line, arguing the quarantine is morally correct despite the violation of CI2. The moral right to action depends on weighing the values at stake. Individual autonomy or the need to protect public health and maintain safety. With the gravity of the Ebola threat, people could argue that the CDC's actions, are justified and morally correct. The arguments in question are logically valid. While Premise 1 relies on a strict view of CI2 that has oversights with other ethical ideals. Premise 2 offers a more digestible view, claiming that in extreme circumstances, you could justify actions that violate CI2. Overall, the argument addresses a large challenge. By applying Kantian ethics to real-world problems, it does not determine that CI2 is false. A more in-depth understanding of Kantian philosophy may be needed to answer the quarantine measure against the Formula of Humanity. I do believe that the argument was sound, based on the support given in the second