The first chapter of Founding Brothers- The Revolutionary Generation describes the relationship between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. The duel between the two ultimately ends in Hamilton’s death. The circumstances under which Hamilton was shot, still plagues the minds of historians today. The Duel itself is the event that occurred between Hamilton and Burr. During and before the event, Aaron Burr served as Thomas Jefferson’s Vice President. Hamilton was a recognized member in the Revolutionary War. Some time after, he was appointed as the first Secretary of Treasury. The duel began on the lands of Weehawken, New Jersey on July 11,1804. The location of Weehawken is questioned due to Ellis’s statement that instead, it took place on …show more content…
The chapter discussed Ellis’s views on the silence of the government when the question of slavery came about. Soon after Jefferson held the dinner at his home, some Quaker delegations that resided in New York and Philadelphia presented petitions to end the Atlantic Slave Trade. House members became worried after receiving such concerns and Southern representatives insured that the petition be ignored. The Quakers were described as pacifists who did not support independence. Eventually Benjamin Franklin himself began to not support slavery. He supported a petition written by the Pennsylvania Abolition Society that acknowledged the Atlantic Slave Trade and slavery as “immoral”. James Madison formed committees to decide the elimination of slavery, which inspired representatives of the House to express how they felt. James Jackson strongly supported slavery and used the bible to justify it. He believed the success of the South depended on it. People began to fear slave uprisings. The slavery issue seemed to divide the North and South to the point of Civil War. The South felt economically dependent on slavery. It enjoyed having a free labor system. It also relied on slave labor to maintain the growth of the farms and plantations. The north didn’t support slavery because they believed it was unfair the south didn’t have to pay for labor. The census of 1790 revealed how many more slaves were in the south than in the north. The south used to it to prove to the north that slavery would not disappear as quickly as believed or perceived. The south felt as though the north had no say in the behavior it. South Carolina and Georgia threatened to secede. Benjamin Franklin appears and insists that the House abolish slavery. He gives a speech proving that no other Founding Father had been so involved. Overall, neither Madison nor Franklin could change history and the battle of slavery continued for until leading up to the Civil