Abdiel's Transtheoretical Model

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The intervention for Abdiel is targeting an outcome of enhanced occupational performance (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2014). Since he perceives his insufficient time management hindering his performance, Abdiel will work to develop and enhance his minimal time management skills. Using the Canadian occupational performance measure (COPM), will track Abdiel’s perceived satisfaction, and performance of his identified occupational problem areas. Furthermore, using the time management questionnaire (TMQ), he will identify his planning strategies and attitudes towards time. This will help gauge development in planning strategies and his feelings about his time. Furthermore, using the daily time log gives a schedule of how Abdiel spends …show more content…

The theory breaks down crucial mechanisms of change, called processes of change, to enable a person to move to the next stage of change (Prochaska & Velicer, 1997). Prochaska theorizes that matching the processes of change to the person’s current stage yield promising health behavior change (Prochaska & Velicer, 1997). Using the TTM, it is clear the client is in currently the contemplation stage of change. He has thought about changing his time management techniques and would like to improve in the future. However, he has not made a plan or taken steps to change his time management; therefore, the following mechanisms of change are …show more content…

MOHO is the appropriate discrete theory for Abdiel due to his need for change in volition and habituation. Currently, he waits until late at night to do assignments and is usually too tired to complete what needs to be done for the day. Furthermore, he has low self-efficacy in his time management strategies, leading to low volition to choose to do homework. Therefore, MOHO provides this structure to guide the intervention to change his volition and habituation. MOHO is also applicable for this client since environment impacts his study habits. MOHO emphasizes the importance of the interaction between the person and the physical and social environment. This is directly applicable to Abdiel; therefore, MOHO will help guide the adjustments to the physical and social environment. MOHO is the best theoretical perspective that will increase Abdiel’s occupational engagement in time management related to education (Kielhofner & Nicol,