Abigail Williams Tituba Character Analysis

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Abigail Williams, Rev. Parris, Tituba, and Mrs. Putnam develop during the course of Act I into becoming questionable characters within Puritanical society. The one character that continues to have a bad reputation from the start of the play is Tituba. Her ethnicity, witchcraft practices, and the fact that Abigail blames Tituba for her problems involving witchcraft proves that Tituba is the object of exclusion from Salem’s society. Tituba’s ethnicity as a negro is a huge setback for her in Puritanical society because she is not seen as an equal in Salem. This is proved in Act I Scene I when Rev. Parris yells “Out of here!...Out of my sight!” to Tituba because she was asking him if his daughter will be alright. Furthermore, Tituba is Rev.