
Abolishing The Death Penalty In Britain

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The death penalty was first established in the Eighteenth Century B.C in Britain. The death penalty during this time was then given to all individuals who committed a crime. Forms of the death penalty at this time were crucifixion, drowning, beating to death, burning alive, and impalement. Then during the Tenth Century A.D. the five methods above were put aside and the main method was hanging. Hanging is when an individual has something tied around there neck and they are hung above there ground cutting off air circulation to the brain. William the Conqueror the first Norman King of England , was an individual who fought for replacement of hanging with other forms of the death penalty such as boiling, burning, and beheading.
In Britain, two …show more content…

The first ever American death penalty given was in 1608 in the Colony of Virginia. In America they also had laws in place for even minor violations you are sanctioned to the death penalty.
Over the years the death penalty began to evolve to first state in the United States to abolish the death penalty for all crimes except treason was Michigan which was in 1846. As time went on Wisconsin and Rhode Island joined the list except abolishing the death penalty for all crimes. In 1888, the first ever electric chair was built. Then in 1890 William Kemmler was the first person to be executed by form of electric chair. The electric chair is the most common form of the death penalty used in the United States.
Before the start of World War I some states had the death penalty abolished. But once the war had started there because a mass chaos and five out of the six states reinstated there death penalty law by 1920. Cyanide gas is a gas that is used in gas chambers. Gas chambers were another form of execution. This form of execution caused no harm to the individual and they didn’t feel anything as it was happening …show more content…

It is a colorless, and odorless gas. According to (www.CapitalPunishmentUS.org) Wyoming still has the old gas chamber that they used in the 1930’s on display and the public is invited to sit in it and even be strapped in the chair. During the Great Depression and the Prohibition it was recorded that this was the highest amount of executions in one decade compared to any other, which was coming in at an average of 167 per year.
Since 1973 there has been a total of 160 death row exonerations. Which means that an individual is blamed for something that they did not do. In other words charged with a crime that they did not commit. In 2017 there were 4 individuals that were taken off of death row because of being exonerated. These individuals are waiting days, weeks and sometimes months to hear about what is going to happen to them. The average number of years between being sentenced to death and exoneration is 11.3 years according to (www.deathpenaltyinfo.org).
“A total of 39 new death sentences are expected to be handed down in 2017, the lowest annual rate since 1972. Twenty-three executions were carried out—half as

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