Aboriginal Poverty In Canada

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Aboriginal Poverty within Canada Introduction Aboriginal people are a name for the original people of North America and their descendants (“Aboriginal Peoples and Communities”, 2015). The different types of groups of aboriginal peoples are First Nations, Métis and Inuit (“Aboriginal Peoples and Communities”, 2015). In Canada over 1.4 million people identify themselves as an Aboriginal person (“Aboriginal Peoples and Communities”, 2015). Although aboriginal people where the first in Canada they are considered one of the poorest groups in the country. Economic Situation multiple studies have proven that First Nation people are the poorest Canadians (Wilson, Macdonald, 2015). On average a non -aboriginal family makes about $27,097 a year …show more content…

One of the categories is “Children and youth”. The goal of this category is “Work with Aboriginal communities and organizations to provide meaningful support to Aboriginal children and youth on-and off-reserve and use resources effectively” (Aboriginal Affairs, 2005). Some of the strategies for this are to promote physical development, and promote healthy habits, support children with disabilities and give children support they may need to make good life choices (Aboriginal Affairs, 2005). A program that has already done something is in this category AHWS (aboriginal healing and wellness strategy) funding is given to the Nishnawbe Aski Nation to help people learn about youth suicide and how to identify some prevention strategies (Aboriginal Affairs, 2005). Another category is “Aboriginal Education”. the goal for this category is “Work with Aboriginal leaders and organizations to improve educational outcomes among Aboriginal children and youth” (Aboriginal Affairs, 2005). A strategy for this is that the Ministry of Education work with aboriginal communities, organizations and also school boards to create an Aboriginal education policy (Aboriginal Affairs, 2005). A program that has already helped in this category is that the ministry of education will provide yearly funding (around $650,000) to eight native friendships Centre’s to help fund some secondary school programs (Aboriginal Affairs, 2015). Finally the last category to be covered is the “Aboriginal Justice strategy”. The goal in this category is “The Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG) will work with Aboriginal communities and organizations and relevant government ministries to design an integrated policy framework related to Aboriginal justice” (aboriginal Affairs, 2005). Some strategies are to have