
The Pros And Cons Of Corruption Of Aboriginal People

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The Aboriginal peoples are seen as lazy and unwilling to do the work Canada presents them. Canada views are very skewed toward the Indigenous people;“In January of 2013, a community paper in Manitoba, the Morris Mirror, ran an editorial by its editor-in-chief, Reed Turcotte, that likened Indigenous peoples to terrorists and declared our ‘corruption and laziness’”(Vowel,117 ) This indicate how some Canadians view the Aboriginal peoples as corrupted and lazy. This isn’t clear cut as some Indigenous don’t have the benefit of a lot of money since Aboriginal peoples culture relied on hunting and trading. Today, that market is in a decline as competition grows, species are hunted to extinction, and Canadian overturns hunting groundings into lands …show more content…

The Aboriginal peoples community took up arms too and since this was a non-government controlled, organized group, people got angry at this vigilantism. Media controls societies and the media is very one sided, reinforcing the notion the Aboriginal peoples are the bad guys in this situation. This reinforcement allows claims like by Reed Turcotte in the quote to pass with less of a critical judgement. There were Canadians that were rattled by these claims despite this fact, people use this example to strengthen the views of corrupt Aboriginal peoples. “Tidings of Comfort and Joy” exaggerate this idea of laziness further by having the Indigenous peoples do nothing but be trophies;“Hudson considered allowing them to hunt, but Vince had talked him out of it...And there were the grooming costs-he had been lucky to someone who would come out so he didn’t have to take the Indians into town-and the clothing repairs”(King,9) The evidence shows that the Indigenous peoples aren’t in a good situation as Aboriginal peoples lives are being controlled by someone …show more content…

This idea prevents the necessary action that should be in place to fix the lives of the oppressed; “The fact that people are able to outright dismiss literally centuries of oppression as though this could have no possible impact on event today, or claim that we somehow deserved to be colonized, or even flat out deny prior Indigenous presence(like Morissette) never cease to astound me. How is this even possible? Clearly the first step, as exemplified by Klassen, is to claim good intentions negate oppression.”(Vowel,119) This finding indicates how unjustifiably Canadian sees Canadians. Canadians think by saying Canadians didn’t know about the negative consequences of the action that no one is to blame. This is inexcusable and Canada pays for reparation to the Indigenous peoples. Peoples act ignorant and outright deny the presence of Aboriginal peoples on this land to save the Canadian reputation of being morally good. These people assure themselves that they did no wrong and it wasn’t anyone's fault. Canadians are too proud and want people to know Canadians are the right people . These thoughts aren’t an excuse to disempower the Indigenous people. They showed pay the reparations for the type of conflicts Canada has brought upon the Indigenous community. People want to maintain the status quo of not being the bad guy. Canada wants to see itself as a good nation with good people,

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