Abort A Baby Persuasive Speech

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“I am a new born baby, 15 minutes ago it was legal to kill me. Thank you for giving me a chance to live!” Imagine yourself in the hospital holding the baby. It’s probably one of the best feelings in the world. I mean, you’ve been struggling and in pain for a whole 9 months to keep that baby inside you alive. I’m pretty sure that you’d be happy to see your child finally…out. Imagine how great you would feel once all that weight just magically lifted off your shoulders. You can finally see your feet, you no longer feel so big, like wow! To top it all off, you look down and you see a beautiful baby, your beautiful baby. You get to hold a little tiny human that you made from scratch. The baby’s miniscule hands, tiny beating heart, and amazingly soft skin is all thanks to you because you decided to let a small human flourish. Your baby could be a future celebrity, a genius, or even the future president of the united states. But you wouldn’t know that if you abort the baby. There are so many reasons you should keep your miracle. …show more content…

I think that you would feel rather terrible about killing an innocent child. It’s not the baby’s fault. You should have had safe sex with your boyfriend. Unless, it’s rape then it’s no one’s fault. But, just because there’s no one to blame, that doesn’t mean that you should let something bad happen to YOUR baby. If you’re on your way to get the abortion, you’ll probably be getting a lot of reassuring questions. Questions like, “are you 100% sure you want to do this?” Or, “do you really want to do this?” Some will inform you all the information you need to know and honestly, it’s probably a lot to take in. They just want to you to be completely sure that you want to, because if you end up regretting it, there is no going back. You might end up getting depression or maybe even hurting

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