Abortion Speech

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Welcome back to my blog, today I am going to be discussing abortion. One of the most debatable subjects ever! Did you know that in 2013 there were 185000 abortions carried out in England and Wales?!
I was in school watching a video on teen pregnancy, a 16 year old girl was not allowed to have an abortion. Her mum would not let her. Her mum is a Christian. The young teenager was thinking of having an abortion, she knew that she was too young, it is unfair that she had to go through pregnancy and childbirth! Her mother should not have made the decision for her, it’s the teenager’s body.
How many people do you know who have had an abortion? Im guessing not very many. This is because it is frowned upon. Since when was it anyone else business? …show more content…

It should not be changed. When the baby is developing in the mother’s uterus, it goes through different stages in life. At first it is just a group of cells, dividing constantly this is known as an embryo. It is an embryo for 8 weeks. Once the cells have stopped dividing, your baby begins to change into a foetus. From here until the end of the pregnancy your baby will grow. Understanding abortion is really important. Many people say it is wrong because it is killing the baby. It is ending the pregnancy but if you were to give birth to a baby which you don’t necessarily want, it will be a lot more stressful. Would you want to have a baby that you didn’t want? An abortion can be necessary for many different reasons; age, religion, illness, etc. I suggest that, before you begin to judge someone, make sure that you understand what they are going through. Abortion is their choice not …show more content…

It is carried out by professionals. To end a pregnancy you have to take a pill. You do not have to give birth if you terminate the pregnancy before 24 weeks, you will just have a period. It is an unknown fact weather taking the abortion tablets hurts the embryo or foetus but no one remembers being inside their mothers uterus. The more people understand abortion the more reasons there are not to judge people for it. Which leads to the most important saying ‘it is their choice, not anybody else’s!’
To conclude this blog, I am going to say how I would feel if I was being judge. If I was pregnant and I knew that my baby was going to have a life long illness. That they would have to be on life support. That they were going to be in pain. I would not be able to put my baby through that, I would not want to have an abortion but I would. If it meant that I could end my baby’s pain, I would have an abortion. Next time that you hear someone is planning to have an abortion, stop and think before you speak. Just imagine that it was you, how you would be

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