Abortion Persuasive Essay

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Since the landmark court case of Roe v. Wade in 1973, the controversy of abortion has only increased (Ziegler, Mary). Though the court subjected the act of abortion a fundamental right under the United States Constitution, pro-life activists continue to prevail. The natural born rights of citizens are protected by the Constitution, meaning the government does not grant these rights nor can they be taken away. By simple deduction, since the baby is yet to be born, the natural born rights of citizens should not be assumed to the unborn fetus, but rather to the mother carrying the child. Although pro-life activists claim there is alternative choices to abortion, the right of abortion should not be stripped away. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution …show more content…

In every 42 million abortions, 20 million of those are illegal (HRFnd). Illegal abortions are not medically monitored, causing them to become unsafe for the mother. With a greater availability of abortions, less illegal abortions will occur. In the United States, 49% of pregnancies each year are unintended. Of those pregnancies, half of them end in abortion (MIT Pro-Choice). In women pursuing abortions, 90% of them provide multiple reasonings to their choice (Pollitt, Katha), thus demonstrating an abundant amount of thought being put into their situation.

The infographics above reinstates that the choice of abortion is not taken by a whim. Abortions occur after long hours of debate and justification (Pollitt, Katha). Vindication will be amplified, adding emotional stress onto the mother if abortion is unavailable. If the expecting mother is already concerned for the financial needs for a baby, the money for an abortion is difficult to compile. Leading to illegal abortions growing pragmatic when the funding for an abortion is impractical. In conclusion, the right to abortion should not be expunged from women’s rights. Freedom of choice is a Constitutional right, and would reduce the amount of illegal abortions. However, current progressive movements continue to occur and the everlasting sides of controversy will continue to fight for what is considered