
Abortion: The US Supreme Court Case Analysis

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Since 1980, there has been 1,320,087,321 abortions and the numbers continue to grow. Abortion is the process of deliberately terminating a human pregnancy. It is most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Abortion is a choice made by women who either can’t afford to take care of a child, don’t want a child, or have been raped. Think about this though, every abortion that is performed, an innocent life is being taken away and many people are affected by it.
Abortion was practiced up until about 1880. Most states had banned it unless it was to save the life of the woman (which was very rare). During this time, if women wanted an abortion, it depended on their economic situation, where they lived, and their race. Rich women could …show more content…

One particular case affected 49 states in the US. From 1951 to 1987, abortion was illegal in Texas. It was enforced by a man known as Henry Wade who was the district attorney of Dallas County. In 1971, a woman named Norma McCorvey, better known as Jane Roe, who was a pregnant single woman, was not able to get an abortion due to the law. She challenged the law’s constitutionality and took Wade to court. After about two years, in a 7-2 decision, the U.S Supreme Court ruled abortion legal under the 14th amendment. In 1993, Roe had a change of heart and asked to have the case overturned claiming new evidence that getting an abortion hurts …show more content…

Just because a woman has been raped, or the child was diagnosed with a birth defect, or the woman’s health is at risk does not mean she has the right to kill her child. You cannot fix one tragedy with another. You especially do not avoid health issues by avoiding the birth of a human being. When a woman gets raped you must care for her, but caring for her does not mean telling her she should get an abortion. If the child is diagnosed with a defect, no one should urge the mother to get an abortion. They should deal with the problems of their child and not kill it because there is something wrong with it. When a woman’s health is at risk, she should be treated by a doctor and proper treatment does not include taking the life of a

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