Abortion Vs Pro Life Essay

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According to Michael Snyder, “The number of American babies killed each year is equal to all the wars the United States took a part in combined”. According to Laura Hickey and Megan Santhanam, “if one sums up all the American casualties the U.S took part in the number of American babies in utero killed each year is approximately one million”. One million babies that don’t get the chance to live. Abortion is a highly controversial issue in the United States because it questions if a baby/fetus is considered a person. As well it questions our society’s norms, values and beliefs. Americans are divided between two conflicting views: Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. Pro-Life emphasizes the view that killing a baby in utero is wrong because life begins at …show more content…

As stated earlier, this view emphasizes that killing a baby in utero is wrong and unmoral because life begins at conception. When two people have unprotected sexual intercourse there is a possibility of a baby being conceived. According to Merriam-Webster, conception means “beginning”, stating that life begins when a baby is conceived rather than birth. A person that is pro-life in American society believes according to Thomas Head “that the government has an obligation to preserve all human life, regardless of intent, viability or quality-of-life concerns”. Pro-life supporters and activists protest for the government to make abortion illegal. Our society is affected because while we do fight for the unborn, abortion still exists, woman do terminate their pregnancy, lives are still lost while we are fighting and protesting for those unborn children. The graph that is shown below addresses the reasons why a woman has an abortion. The primary reason why a woman has an abortion is the fact that she is not old enough for a child. Other types of reasons are: they are not ready, they cannot afford a child, they are a single mom…etc. 83.5% of these reasons is not medical related situations when abortion is necessary for the health of the mother and/or the child. Being a pro-life person, I do not find these reasons fitting for a person who is considering abortion because it is not the baby’s fault for being conceived, and hers or his life should not be terminated just because the mother wants