Abstinence Education Persuasive Essay

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The USA is one of the largest and most influential countries in the world, yet in the United State’s public schooling system, it is possible to graduate knowing plenty about complicated calculus, but nothing about simple concepts concerning sexual intercourse. Despite how large the United States is, many places don’t even offer a comprehensive sex education, affecting thousands, if not millions of students. While some people might argue that abstinence education is more effective, studies show that while comprehensive sex education was found to be an effective strategy to reduce adolescent pregnancy, HIV, and STIs, yet no conclusions could be drawn on abstinence education (Chin et al). Comprehensive sex education needs to be made compulsory …show more content…

Each year in the United States, one in four teens contract an STD/STI (Guttmacher). A comprehensive sex education encourages safer sexual activity, and teaches students how to prevent contracting an STI, and lower this statistic. Some people believe that rather than a comprehensive sex education, “abstinence education needs to be promoted instead, as early sexual activity can affect adolescents’ future prospects and has been linked to poorer academic performance.” (Caprapa). However, while having sex before marriage might have damaging effects on a person’s social life, abstinence education has not been proven to lower the rate of sexual behaviour, and therefore, an education on safe sexual behaviour needs to be taught to all students, to prevent the spread of STI’s that will not only damage one’s social life, but also put them, and many others, in danger. There are so many people in the country that do not know how to avoid contracting an STI, or how to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, yet everyone has the right to safety, which is why a comprehensive sex education, including information on methods of contraception, needs to be made