Abuse Of Power In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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In “Animal Farm '' by George Orwell has effectively shown the effects of one person having control over a mass of people by telling the story of the pig, Napoleon's rise to power. At the beginning of the book, we get introduced to a character named Old Major. Before he died in chapter 2, he displayed his ideas about the totalitarian farmer using very simple dialogue to convey his message of unfair government. “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing”, Major used this message to convince the other animals that his views that “All animals are equal” and they follow throughout the story and lead to a rebellion lead by Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer who are all pigs because they are highly intelligent. The pigs Napoleon, Snowball …show more content…

One of the leaders, Snowball, stole apples and milk from the other animals and then tried to make this a good thing by making an excuse; “We do not enjoy apples or milk, we simply need them to grow stronger”. None of the other animals questioned this and simply followed, the book is written from a point of view that shows the negative influence of Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer on the animals by providing insight into the effect of their decisions, “Bravery is not enough. Loyalty and obedience are more important” this was said by Squealer after the battle of the Cowshed, the pig 's unrivalled intelligence allows them to convince the other animals that certain events did or did not happen to gain leadership on Animal Farm. The first instance where the pigs convince the animals where an event occurred but really did not is when they convince the animals that Snowball betrays them by being in league with farmer Jones. The pigs are only trying to diminish what the animals think of Snowball. "Snowball was in league with Jones from the very start! He was Jones ' secret agent all the …show more content…

Boxer adored them and has said things like “Napoleon is always right”, as Boxer was already an animal with high respect on the farm, he was able to persuade the other animals of Napoleon’s “greatness”. His control of the animals' ideas made it so that everyone listened to him. “Are you certain that this is not something you have dreamed of, comrades?” The animals are the working class as they do all the work for the government which are the pigs, their clever use of their intelligence allowed for them to rise into a position of power where they can exploit the animals in the same way as the farmer. Napoleon’s hunger for power made him into a dictator throughout the book, being more oppressive by creating classes, strict punishments for not following him and forcing young animals to learn the commandments of Animalism. He completely disregards the animals by turning into the one thing he promised never to be, a