Accomplishments In Art Analysis

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By looking back and reflecting on my own work and accomplishments in art 1 I can see the little mistakes I made or didn’t focus on and learn to improve. I can do this by asking Mrs. Baack for help and guidance. As a great teacher and someone to look up to, she can inform me on what needs the most work in my art skills. By the end of the year I hope to be able to look at my most recent projects and be very proud of how far I have come this year. The one project that I learned the most from was the painting challenge. This project definitely made me focus on all the colors and gave me a better understanding the complexity of trying to make the perfect color by mixing paint as I saw on the magazine picture. Being able to outline every new …show more content…

While in art or any other type of class, it is important to learn from your mistakes or your trial and errors. This not only makes you a better artist, but also a better person in life. Mrs. Baack has a poster on her wall that shows the design elements and principles. The list of these elements includes line, shape, form, colour, texture, space and value. The list of principles includes pattern, contrast, emphasis, balance, proportion, harmony, and rhythm/movement. All these principles and elements are all important but I think the three that are most important to my artwork projects are shape, emphasis, proportion, and texture. I feel these are the most important to my artwork because I sometimes struggle with the fact of making my drawings or paintings big enough or proportional as I should be. I think sometimes I become intimidated or scared if I mess up, so I tend to draw small. Instead, I should work on thinking big and going for it. I need to focus on emphasis more by making sharper and crisper lines in painting. Not being afraid of making mistakes because I know that’s how we learn. Texture is another element that I listed, this was because this element is something I would like to work on and