Accountability Behavior: Case Study

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QP provided William with a CBT activity geared towards accountability behavior. QP explain to William that the activity will examine ways he can be accountable for his behavior and actions. QP asked William to list some things he has said and done that he know that was wrong in a situation. QP asked William to list some consequences for his poor behavior. QP provided William with a list of inappropriate behaviors in which he had to check off the ones he had done. QP asked William, if his inappropriate behavior is mostly at home or at school. QP asked William to list some feelings that bring about unacceptable behavior for him. QP asked William to list some feelings he has felt when he experience remorse. QP pointed out to William that there are three basic things that a person is try to control when they act in an inappropriate way, these includes ,having control over another person., control and avoid responsibility for their bad feelings, and to control the consequences and avoid accountability. …show more content…

QP asked William list some examples of controlling intention behaviors. QP examined with William ways controlling intention behavior benefit the person who is trying to have the control. QP asked Robert to list some of his controlling intention behavior and state, when the behavior is mostly displayed or exhibit. QP explained to William that a person avoid responsibility for their bad feelings and behavior by shifting the blame or focus away from themselves. QP asked William, if he blame or take responsibility for his behavior and feelings. QP asked William to list some of his feelings he