Act 4 Hamlet Act 3

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In Act 4, Scene 1, Claudius's first concern is for his own safety. Then Claudius begins to worry about what the Danish people will think of him now that this has happened. He worries that they will blame him for not keeping better control over Hamlet.

In Act 4, Scene 2, Hamlet avoids their questions, accusing his former friends of comending the king and leading them on a mission.

In Act 4, Scene3, Hamlet does not tell Claudius where Polonius's body is. He tell him that Polonius is in heaven but not where his physical body is. Hamlet has gotten over the fact that he killed polonius. Claudius tells Hamlet that he must leave England. Hamlet responds to Claudius's questions of where Polonius's body is with round about ways of demonizing him.