Acute Appendicitis Research Paper

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A study of radiographer’s knowledge about the radiographic appearance of acute appendicitis.

Name of the research scholar: Daniel a/l Jeyaraman
Main supervisor: Dr. Dinesh Madhavan Nair
Co-supervisor: Mohd Imran Mohd
Course: Bachelor of Medical Imaging

This is a preliminary research study conducted by myself, Daniel a/l Jeyaraman, Bachelor of Medical Imaging to measure the knowledge of the radiographers based on their ability to detect the radiographic appearance of acute appendicitis in various imaging modalities, such as CT-scan, Ultrasound and MRI. The knowledge of the radiographers will be assessed by statistical evaluation of the answers, given for questionnaire about the criteria of radiographic presentation …show more content…

____________is one of the commonest findings when MRI is used to diagnose acute appendicitis
A. Fat-stranding
B. Bulging of the appendix
C. Thinning of the appendix
D. Hematoma surrounding appendix

4. ______________is one of the limitations of MRI for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis
A. Ionizing radiation
B. Low spatial and temporal image resolution
C. Patient preparation
D.Inability to use gadolinium in pregnant women

5.Choose ONE of the most suitable advantages of MRI for the detection of acute appendicitis.
A. Short scanning time
B. No patient preparation
C. Low contrast resolution
D. Can be performed during pregnancy

6. What is the most suitable MRI coil that would use for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis?
A. Spine coil
B. Birdcage coil
C.Knee coil
D.Body coil

7. From your experience, what MRI sequence would you use to diagnose acute appendicitis?
A. Short-TI Inversion Recovery sequence (STIR)
B. Diffusion-weighted imaging sequence (DWI)
C. Fat saturation or FATSAT sequence
D. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)

8.Choose the proper method of FOV( field of view) selection during the scanning of acute appendicitis on MRI?
A. Large FOV
B. Small FOV
C. Dependent on the patient’s habitus
D. Rectangular, large