Banning Plastic Bags Rhetorical Analysis

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Adam B. Summers builds an argument to persuade his audience be first mentioning the increase of health problems, that people use plastic bags more than one way, and a huge loss of jobs. He mentions that several studies have found that plastic bag bans lead to increased health problems, due to food contamination from bacteria that remains in the reusable bags. He also mentions that there was a subsequent spike in hospital emergency room visits due to E. Coli, salmonella, and campylobacter-related intestinal infectious diseases. To really make the reader think deeply into it, he says many deaths have been caused as a result of this. Many people reuse the plastic bags for other uses such as trash bin lining and for picking up after their dogs. Summers is sure to mention that if plastic bags are banned, there will be an increase in demand for these purposes. People will not be happy if they do not have plastic bags to use. …show more content…

Roughly two thousand california jobs in the plastic bag manufacturing and recycling industry will be affected or lost. Many people are in this job industry and he knows that be saying this people will not want to lose their jobs. This is one of the many reasons people will not want plastic bags to be banned. Summers used the techniques of mentioning things that will affect the people personally, like illnesses resulting in death, the cost increases for buying plastic bags for other uses, and the loss of jobs. He also uses statistical data to really support his claim that plastic bags should not be